Welcome to Jinfeng’s academic page

I currently serve as Temporary Lecturer and Research Assistant at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL. I successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis on the 30th of November (supervised by Elsa NEGRE). The focus of my thesis was Generality and Explainability in Recommender Systems, a topic that resonates strongly within the field of artificial intelligence.

Before joining LAMSADE for my doctoral studies, I pursued a Master’s degree at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL and completed my engineering education at AgroParisTech, under the guidance of Antoine CORNUEJOLS and Juliette Dibie. My academic path commenced with a Bachelor’s degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

My research interests are deeply rooted in artificial intelligence, focusing on general explainability and interpretability. This includes specialized areas like argumentation for explainable recommendations, counterfactual reasoning in the context of explainable recommendations, and methodologies for evaluating explanations.

I am always open to engaging in insightful discussions, collaborations, and opportunities in my field. Please feel free to connect with me via email at jinfeng.zhong@dauphine.eu or explore more about my work and interests on my personal webpage at https://jinfengzh.github.io/.